Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spring has sprung...or not?

Earlier this week I saw a thermometer in town say that it was 66 degrees, today it is low 30's and snowing. I wondered if we were over the winter yet but I guess you never know. Anyway, today Jesse is sick with the cold that has gone through most of us, and might be making it's way back around. It takes a long time to work it's way through all 7 of us and by that time, well....So I stayed home from church with my baby boy and he slept in for quite a long time. After Matthew took the other 4 in with him I took my morning nice and slow and even enjoyed a quick trip out into the white stuff. As I've said before, I love when the snow covers out typical brown South Dakota scenery so here's some of my pictures - hot off the press.

A couple of the tire swing....

and one of our house....(taken from far enough away that you can't see the pink chalk drawings left on the bay window by a certain pink-loving little girl!)

and finally yours truly...I told you I liked the snow!!!!!


L said...

Our daffodils are out in front. Wish we had some snow. Sad thing is that even though we're considering coming to Maine for Christmas there's no guarantee that there will be any snow by then. Grrr.... but it will be Brrr.

Helaine DeMarte said...

I can't believe that you have that much snow... unbelievable! And now you just told me it was gone! weird. weird, weird, weird.