Wednesday, March 19, 2008

New Hair-do's

This week has been one of lots of clipping and trimming and curling and cutting for our family. Logan was just plain old in desperate need of a hair cut while I only needed a trim. So off we went on Tuesday together and got our hair cut.

Monica wanted something a little more drastic so she got a perm - we're all waiting anxiously for the perm smell to go away. She's been told her hair will never curl a whole lot but it's a nice change for her just the same.

And last but not least - Jesse didn't get a haircut but, for a very short period of time, he also sported a new 'do'. Man, is Monica going to be in trouble when her father sees this=) I think it looks like a early American wore ponytails then, right?

I just can't bring myself to cut it yet....