Sunday, March 30, 2008

A whole lot of shaving goin' on

This past week some weird things have taken place at our house....Guess it's a guy thing - that's the only way I can explain it.

Chad played the part of King Ahasueras in a play at our church to celebrate the Jewish Feast of Purim. In order to look more the part he shaved his head, completely and literally! Having never done such a thing before Kendrick saved me from being an accomplice to this and did the deed. Must have worked because Chad was AWESOME!!!! And yes, that is my brand new pink razor....

Next on the list comes Jared Berg, the word weird and Jared being in the same sentence is a frequent thing. Sarah did most of it but then there was something about a 'high and tight'....I guess only a Marine would do!I wasn't so worried about the hair on top of his head as the run-away growth on the chin!


Helaine DeMarte said...

Yeah, Jared's beard is outrageous. But Kendrick looks like he did a good job. :)