Monday, March 31, 2008

Steph's Adoption Story

The following post is mostly copied and pasted from a friends e-mail. Stephanie has been a friend of mine since the 5th grade when we both went to Santiago Christian Academy together growing up as missionary kids in Chile. I have tons of memories with Steph from sleepovers to banquets to ski trips - but one of my favorites is when we used to write letters to each other pretending we lived in the Civil War time period. Her 'letters' were always full of talk about her ten or more kids, with usually at least one set of twins. Well, Stephanie and her husband Pedro are now back in Chile as missionaries and in the middle of quite an adoption story. They have three children adopted from here in the US before heading to Chile last year for their first term. They wanted another son like Owen their youngest and began the process of adopting form an orphanage in Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the world. Long story short they were matched with twin, just like their oldest daughter had been praying for for over a year! To offset the expense of adoption, of twins to top it off, they have started the following fundraiser so I am posting all the details her for anyone who may be interested.


Hello Everyone: This is something that we developed with the help of a designer friend (who also happens to be an MK from Chile - yeah!) to offset the costs of our adoption from Haiti. We are sending this as a general mailing and details are below if you are interested, but please don't feel obligated to participate. GOD bless! ~Pedro & Stephanie

Garcia Adoption Fundraiser
(If interested, please order by April 21, 2008)
Bringing Our Twins
From Haiti … to Home

S, M, L, XL, XXL - $20 (includes S&H)
children's sizes also available

33 Choices of shirt color - visit link below:

Please send your name, address, # shirts, sizes, colors and check or money order to:

Terri Fisher
PO Box 146
Jonestown, PA 17038

*shirts will be printed at the end of April
Pedro & Stephanie Garcia Missionaries to Northern Chile - Haiti Adoption Blog
Here is a picture of Stephanie's cute little kiddos - hopefully soon their family picture will include the 4 or 5 month old twin boy and girl!


Stephanie said...

Alisha, I did a google search for "adopting haiti" today and that is exactly how I saw this post! Thank you so much for posting this for us, my friend! (: