Friday, July 18, 2008

A recent loss

Last night our family surrounded Logan in his most recent loss - his first tooth! Although a highly anticipated event it was met with mixed emotions. After undergoing daily harassment from his older 2 siblings (with gruesome teeth-pulling tales) he wasn't sure if he was ready or not. His mother, unaffected by the bloody stories, wrapped a piece of dental floss around his tooth, only to have Logan clamp down his lips and grin. Then something happened that made everybody laugh and as soon as his mouth opened wide the string was yanked and out came the tooth! The expression of shock soon turned to tears as the youngster realized what had just transpired, a sympathetic cry was then raised by his sister Alana - also emotionally unstable for reasons that may forever remain a mystery. But, in the end - Logan rested his head on his pillow that night with his tooth safely taped to the sheet underneath=)

Before the detachment....
Some earlier attempts....After the cruel trick....Complete recovery....minus the tooth!
I've also been asked to introduce, Horny the toad, who Logan found at Daddy's work today....Nothing like a toad to restore a boy's smile=)PS - Comments about the toads name may or may not be posted....=)


Helaine DeMarte said...

Well I will choose not to post any comments about the name. I will however comment on the big tear sitting on Logan's cheek in that one extra pitiful picture..... I am sticking out my bottom lip in sympathy.
Logan, love you bud, and excited that you recovered so well.

scoleman said...

How, exactly, did you arrive at the toad's name?

Alisha said...

It is thought to be a horn toad...thus the name "Horny" =)

Beth Loewen said...

Man, everyone is growing so fast! Course, I've only known three of them. =(

I found your sight on Elizabeth Brown's blog and I just knew that I had to check it out. If you don't mind, I'd like to add it to mine as well.

Anonymous said...

You are the greatest, Logan, tooth or no tooth!. I have several "greatest" on my list.
guess who?