Friday, July 11, 2008

VBS - Part II

It feels a bit silly blogging about something that took place two weeks ago, but here goes anyway....On the last evening of Vacation Bible School we had the closing program, the grand finale! It had been a small week of kids so there were only two families that came that were not regular attenders of our church. Never the less, a Bible story was given, Scripture as quoted and we even heard the ending of the missionary story. Who knows what the effect may have been on the kids and families present, several coming from broken homes and rough backgrounds.

Anyway, that being said, our kids had a really good time. On the final evening it was all about the TICKETS!!! During the week they'd earned tickets for several things and they were able to cash them in to play games, win prizes, buy snacks, and (the big one) get water balloons to throw at Daddy=)
The evening started with the program for the parents where the kids sang some songs they'd learned and quoted the week's verses.
From there it went to games and snacks....most kids rushed to do the games first - Logan was first in line for ice cream=) And Jesse, Daddy too for that matter, spent most of the time trying to eat ice cream from whoever was willing to share.
There was the cake walk - where the kids won back the cupcakes I'd made....=)
The balloon pop and it's prize table....
The can throw.....
The basketball throw....
The bean-bag toss....

And finally the balloon toss, which was a bit anti-climactic. Each one of the kids was allowed one balloon and 9 out of 10 of them bounced off the guys and popped on the ground. I was hoping for a before and after picture of the victims ~ dry to wet ~ but Matthew just had some drops on his shirt! Here's they are lined up for the firing squad.....

And here are the shooters!

Innocent....and not so innocent!
PS - I've heard that 5 out of 4 people have a problem with apologies for using fractions if you are one of those people.


David and Kristi Flinck said...

Thanks for the faithful posts.
Great to see your "arrows" in action.
Can you guys stay in Chile until we arrive? Hint hint

Nicholas said...

Hello Mr. and Mrs. Chamberland! This is Nick Hauch.

We just had VBS at our church based on the Amazon. It was an Answers in Genesis program and it went very well. Glad to see you all had fun!
