Thursday, July 3, 2008

VBS - Part I

This week has been a bit crazy with Vacation Bible School every evening. We've had a really small number of kids but trust the Lord that they are just the children that He wanted to come and hear the gospel. Tonight is the final night and all the parents and family members have been invited. It will be a time of fun and games but pray for the gospel presentation - although only a 'small' part of the program, it is what we have been gearing up for all week long.

The kids have enjoyed it a whole bunch! Technically Alana is too young to go but since she was tagging along with me they let her join right in and she did fine. Logan is the perfect age to soak it all in, he loves every bit of it and is having a blast. Zachery is with the older kids, at a different location, and is part of the special middle school program running at the same time as our VBS. Uncle Chad is actually heading that up=) Monica has been gone all week at camp so, while she hasn't been here, she too has been learning more from God's word. I'm thankful for a week like this, where the lessons we try and teach our children on a daily basis are reinforced by others who love the Lord as well.

Registration was held outside at the beginning of each evening, the first night the kids spotted a baby bird in the tree ~ he became a pretty popular little guy!
Then we had game time, both inside and out.
Once the kids had worked out some wiggles we all gathered together for the opening meeting where they said the pledges, sang songs, learned verses, and listened while Miss Marsha told a Bible story about a different parable each night.
Logan helping with the pledge to the Bible....
The verses ~ each night there was a creative new way for the kids to learn the verse and then take turns removing one of the words from the verse.
After that the kids were divided into two groups and rotated between craft time, snack time, and missionary story time.
Craft time....
Snack time....Alana & Logan enjoying their 'banana sparklers'.Missionary Holly Friesen, from our church, told the missionary story for the week and set up a display table containing things from both Peru, where she served a 2-year term, and Ukraine, where she is seeking to serve the Lord full time in the medical field with ABWE. The evening finished with some more songs, a review game, and then the coveted tickets were handed out....the tickets can be used to play games, 'buy' popcprn and slushies, and have some fun on the final night's Summer Festival. But that will be for a later post....VBS Part Deux=)