Saturday, July 26, 2008

"A Short Story" by Alisha Chamberland

I had nothing else to write about today so I thought I'd share with you something that happened almost exactly a year ago. Monica was in Washington state for a month and I wrote this little story for her to keep up to date on what was happening here at home. It's based on actual events - nothing added or embellished.

George sat staring out the window of his big green house. "Yet another day in my boring life where I have to put up with baby after baby and now that dumb cat!" he thought to himself. Nothing moved as he scanned the length of the brown, fenced-in yard. Suddenly, something in the far corner of the lot caught his eye! His ears perked up, his tail stood tall, and a whine started deep in his throat. He looked at the woman, the one who used to love him, but now seemed so often annoyed with him. "Oh, I hope she'll let me out this time, please, look at me" he said with his eyes. The blond woman stood up...could it be...she walked toward the door..."Yes, she's letting me out!" he rejoiced with a small, high-pitched bark. Within seconds the glass no longer separated him from his prey and he took off. His long legs and lean body were made for the hunt. His mouth opened in preparation and drool began to fly out of the sides of his mouth. His sharp canine teeth which had evolved over millions of years, =), were ready to snap closed. This time, the rabbit was not going to get away. Victorious, George dove down and closed his powerful jaws over the neck of the soft, brown, furry bunny. If only he knew how to dance he'd do a jig. He'd done it! After years of failure victory was finally his and it tasted sweet! Actually it tasted warm...Then he realized the taste on his long tongue was blood. The blood of his prey. He looked up triumphantly at the blond woman. "Why," he wondered, "is she standing there with her hand over her mouth and her eyes as wide as saucers...oh no, she's going to beat me!" The woman disappeared from his view briefly and then came back with a black thing held up by her ear, her mouth moving quickly. Suddenly his catch began to move and thrash around, making a squealing sort of noise. George clamped down harder and silenced the rabbit forever. Whatever his owner was up to he was going to enjoy his prize, instead of worrying about the consequences. He spent enough time with his tail between his legs and for now, supper was calling. He began at the neck and head and then worked his way down the body. "Glorious, warm, flesh," he thought to himself. Then, while still enjoying the spoils of his labor, he heard the glass door open and close. It was the woman. She came closer, slowly, staring at the ground in front of him. She approached and patted him on the head, "You're the dog," she muttered, "you're the dog!" His heart sang! He dropped the remaining hind legs and panted happily in her direction, soaking up the praise he so craved. "Ok, ok," she said, "gross breath!" And off she went.

Later, with his belly full, he went up once again to the glass door. He raised his paw to scratch and let his family know of his desire to come in - but he hesitated. For some reason, one that still eluded him, he was often hollered at for scratching. Well, he was happy; he'd just lie down and wait until he was noticed. In the meantime he'd go to sleep and dream of the Happy Hunting Grounds where this time, his dream was a reality.

That evening, while lying comfortably up against the couch, something began to happen. George lifted his head and tried to figure out what was wrong...something just didn't feel right. Suddenly, he knew, he stood and tried to make it to the door, but he was too late. As his body heaved he felt a warmth rush up his throat and out his mouth - right there on the living room carpet. "GEORGE!" the blond woman hollered. "Yuk, sick, disgusting, gross DOG!" she fumed. "Get out, get out, get out," she screamed over and over. She opened the door and kicked his hind end out through the opening. George put on his most remorseful, apologetic look then sank down onto the deck. "Oh well," he thought to himself, "it was fun while it lasted." He licked his lips free of any remaining chunks and enjoyed the flavor all over again. He lifted his head and began to scan the yard once more....


Helaine DeMarte said...

Sick. Disgusting Gross. And thats all I have to say.

L said...

Sheena x

L said...

(although you seem to have quite a talent for the Grotesque genre of storytelling).

Kade said...

I myself, thought it was rather funny. Some part of it reminded me of the character 'Smeagol' in the lord of the Rings. Ha.
