Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A trip to the ER

Wow, I never read this blog unless I'm posting something so I just now read the be post below - what a pleasant surprise! Who knew Matthew could write=) And, believe it or not, I was getting ready to write another post about him....
Yesterday morning while at work Matthew shot himself through the finger with his nail gun - the nail entered the wood, hit a knot, and spiraled in the wrong direction. It entered one side of his finger and came out on the other, just below the fingernail. He yanked it out quickly, bit his tongue for a few minutes, put on a band-aid and went back to work. When he came home I looked it over, washed it off, and that's when we discovered it had gone all the way through his finger. It was at such an angle that missing the bone seemed impossible, so, while I wasn't convinced it was broken, we went to the ER.
One tetanus shot and an X-ray later the doctor showed us the film and, sure enough, there was a chip off the bone. He has to soak it, take some antibiotics, and wear a splint for several weeks. As far as work goes it's a bit of a pain but we are so thankful for the Lord's protection. It is a minor inconvenience compared to other nail gun wounds we've heard of....collapsed lung, loss of an eye, shot into the skull. So we will happily deal with the broken finger ~ or should I say, groggily since the kind doctor sent him home with some good pain meds=)
Wish I had a picture....


Stephanie said...

Yikes! So glad Matthew's okay!

The Hauchs said...

That post Matthew wrote was just about the sweetest thing I have read in a while! You guys are truly a testimony of what marraige should be ~ how refreshing! And not only to younger married couples but even to us "older married" couples, who love each other dearly, but might not express it as often as we should. I'm thankful that the Lord protected Matthew in his accident!