Tuesday, July 15, 2008

She's going!

Again Melissa bumps a previously planned post - but this time it is good news! She's going! YEAH!!! Last night she was able to talk with the man in charge of her situation and teaching position - things were finalized and she is able to go. The Lord has provided for her and all that is left to do now is get the plane tickets=) Of course there will also be an endless to-do list for her since she will be leaving within the next 2 weeks - classes start the beginning of August! Thank you for those that prayed and gave so she could do this - I'm just so excited to be a part of a really great friend going to a really great place and desiring to serve the Lord by ministering to the MK's.
"Thanks, Melissa, we'll miss you but are sooo excited for you and will keep you in our prayers!"
PS - See you in October, Lord willing.....


Melissa said...

Thanks so much for your prayers and encouragement! I'm soooo excited! I can't believe it's actually happening! I do hope that you all will be able to make it down in October and will definitely keep you in my prayers! Love you guys!