Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Conversations with 'Lana

This afternoon when I drove into town to do some errands I took Alana along with me and thought I'd share with you bits and pieces of our conversation as we rode along. There is usually no introduction or leading up to her comments either....it is a bit lengthy but it is well worth the read!

Alana: "Mommy, when is our blood going to get out of us?"

Mommy: "Hopefully it's not, we need our blood to live and stay alive."

Alana: "Why do we want to be alive?"

Mommy: "Um, well, if we weren't alive we would be dead."

Alana: "But Mommy, if we get dead we can go to God's house. When can I be dead?"

Mommy: "Well, it's up to God how long we live and when we die."

Alana: "But I just want to be dead..." (driving up to the ATM) "How come people stick those stuff on the wall?" (gum stuck on wall by ATM)

Mommy: "I don't know."

Alana: "Do they know where the trash is?"

Mommy: "I don't know." (trying to do the transaction)

Alana: "They do because their Mommy told them, and the people who live in that house (the bank) will get mad and disgusting at them."

Mommy: "Uh, huh..."

(a bit later)
Alana: "Why is all that stain coming up off the water?"

Mommy: "Steam, honey."

Alana: "So why is it?"

Mommy: "Because it is." (one of Mom's favorite answers)

Alana: "Mommy, can you get that piece of papoe (paper) on the floor?"

Mommy: "No, Alana, I'm driving and have to watch the road."

Alana: "But you could get it and I could ask you to turn if someone is coming to crash into us."

Mommy: (laughing)

Alana: "Why are you laughing at me?"

Mommy: "Because you're cute and I love you."

Alana: "But you don't need to laugh at me because I'm cute, I love you and I don't laugh at you."

And I'll close with one of my favorite pictures of Alana, this was on her second birthday.


Anonymous said...

Alisha, that was great! I can just hear her say it! I wish you could send me her to me for a few days. Ask her if she wants to come see me for my birthday? :)
I love you! Keep up on the posts! :)

Anonymous said...

Best conversation ever! Love this blog.