Friday, January 25, 2008

A January Christmas

When I sat down to write this post I immediately started to think about all the things people might say to tease me. But, we had so much so much fun that I'm going to risk it! Many of you may remember that back in early November Matthew and I led a work trip down to Chile with NTI, during that time my parents came and watched the kids for us. My mom, being the organized planner that she is, bought several Christmas presents in advance and left them here for us. There was so much going on at the time and I was still on a 'Chile high' and excited to be home with my kids so I put them away and waited another 6 weeks or so to get them out. When the time came I put her presents under the tree. But I'd forgotten some of them....You see I put them in 2 different places and not until today, cleaning out Jesse's closet, did I find the other bin full of presents for all of us! What a fun surprise! So Daddy tortured the children and made them wait until he came home in the evening and we opened them all together=) Here's the pictures that tell the story of our January Christmas!

Jesse loved opening and reading his present - he also got some clothes, but I think his favorite part of that one was tearing the paper off.

Alana loves to play cars with her brother so she was VERY excited to get a 'Polly Pocket' car of her own. Monica was equally excited about getting some cool clothes from Grammy....I love when kids get old enough to be excited about clothes for Christmas!

It is next to impossible to get either one of these two boys to look 'normal' when the camera comes out! Unless you catch them when they're not watching!

Even Uncle Chad, my brother, got a present. And, as you can see, I had some help with mine!

Thanks again Grammy and Grampy - MERRY CHRISTMAS!