Sunday, January 20, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

Once again we've had some internet 'issues' so I haven't been able to post in a few days. Yesterday was Matthew's birthday and although you may hear about it a day late we made sure to celebrate it on time for him! I have to tell you, though, he's not a big fan of getting his picture taken - I think the cheesy smile Logan often uses in front of the camera was inherited!

On Friday afternoon I showed up where Matthew was working to take him away for his birthday. OK, so all we did was go out to eat, but it took quite a bit of orchestrating for things to fall into place without him finding out about it. We went to a nice restaurant about an hour away and enjoyed the peace and quiet of a meal just the two of us. Saturday night we had the birthday meal with all the family and Matthew's favorite cheesecake. So here are some pictures of my wonderful man; there's one from yesterday and then just a few of my favorites. Yes, he is a little goofy but I think he's perfect...for me! I love you, Matthew. Thanks for another year of being the wonderfulest husband to me and the bestest dad to our kids! Remember, only 62 more years to go!

This one is just from this past summer when we had a chance to be a part of a family camp in MN.

Here he is with Logan almost 5 years ago - what an adorable pair!

In this picture Jesse is not even 1 month old, Daddy's lap was quite full that day.