Monday, January 14, 2008

Husbands and why I need mine

Today reminded me again of something I already know about myself. I'm an American used to having her luxuries and having them now! Since yesterday afternoon our internet has been down. At first we assumed it was an area-wide thing since that has happened before, but when I made a call to our provider this morning she said I was the first caller. That led to several more useless calls to the help desk where they told me to do things I had no idea about. One conversation went something like this, "Ma'am, please unplug your modem"...."Umm, what does it look like?"..."It's a little black box with little shiny lights on it"....etc. Needless to say after MUCH frustration I called Matthew and ranted and raved and told him this was 'his department' and I wanted nothing more to do with it! So, when he got home he calmly went about figuring out what was wrong and, despite my helpful reminders to call the help desk, he figured it out and here I am again - LOGGED ON=) I don't have a lot of time during the day to go online so I usually grab 5 minutes here and there to check e-mail - to not be able to do that today frustrated me to no end. And yet I survived....How the Lord must laugh out our silly human ways. I'm glad for His reminder today of how little I need the internet but how much I need my husband! Thanks again, honey!


David and Kristi Flinck said...

Atta' boy Matt!

Stephanie said...

You silly girl! (: Yay for good husbands!!